With the help of a lousy economy in these recessionary times, even very responsible folks may have a less than stellar credit report. Unless you live in a highly urbanized environment, owning a car is a practical necessity. If you are thinking of financing the purchase of vehicle, do not let your poor credit ranking get in the way. Follow the suggestions below to ease your way into getting an automobile loan. My Quick Loans offer QuickQuid Alternative.
Analyze Your Budget
How much you can afford to pay before you look for a bad credit car loan? You can get help on this by downloading one of the free car loan calculators from the Web. They are a great resource for determining your monthly payment based on the amount of the loan and the interest rate. Also, you will need to have funds set aside for other expenses: Down payment. Title fees and taxes. Insurance. These are not typically included in the loan financing.
Know Where You Stand
The next step to take, when pondering a bad credit car loan, is to check your credit scores. You do not need to be confronted with any surprises. Do an online search to find a website for obtaining copies of your credit reports. You are allowed a free report from each reporting agency every 12 months. You are looking for reports from Experian, Equifax, and Transunion. Your lender will look at reports from all three of these agencies.
Clean Up Your Credit History
Once you have your credit reports. Scrutinize them. If you find any errors, you should contact the credit agency, usually with a registered letter, asking for a review and removal of the disputed item in the report. Realize that it is very important to have any outstanding debts up to date as far as payments go. Even if you are in the midst of a dispute with one of your creditors, this will show that you are trying to get things back on track.
Gather Your Documentation
You will have to fill out an application for the bad credit auto loan. You will also be asked to present certain documentation: Proof of identity (a bona fide government issued photo ID such as a driving license or passport). Proof of Social Security Number. Proof of residency (this can be in the form of a utility bill). Proof of employment (paycheck stubs or tax forms). Bank statements.
Look for the Best Rates and Terms
As with any other purchase you make, you need to shop around for the best rates and terms available for your bad credit car loan. You do not necessarily need to use the finance company associated with the car dealer. A great shopping venue is the internet. You can compare rates among scores of lenders. You may even be able to get quotes within minutes. Some lenders can even complete the whole process online.
Shop Around
Do not take the first loan offered. You are under no obligation when you are shopping and you must not feel like lenders are doing you a favor. You are doing the lender a favor by giving them your business. Always remember that. And do not get pressured into a bad loan made by an unscrupulous lender – there plenty out there. Check references, the Better Business Bureau, or other reporting agencies. One of the best maneuvers is to have a loan already settled when you go to actually pick a car.
With your ducks in a row according to the above tips, you are well on your way to getting the best rates and conditions for your bad credit car loan.